Czech Republic. Centrum Buchov. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 6-8 september 2024.

Czech Republic. Centrum Buchov. Sеminar "Health with Master Mu Yuchun". 6-8 september 2024.

1,516 “At the seminar, Master Mu Yuchun addresses the participants individually and solves health issues with practical and illustrative demonstrations, one by one on each of us. It is unbelievable with what energy, funny moments and patience Master Mu works and shares his practices. Always after the individual days of the seminar, my friend and … Read more

Bratislava, Slovensko. Seminár “Zdravie s Mu Yuchun”. 13. – 15. Septembra 2024.

Bratislava, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, September, 2024.

929 Jedinečný seminár s majstrom tradičnej čínskej medicíny Mu Yuchunom a jeho študentom tradičných zdravotníckych praktík Vladimírom Fedortsovom. Dodržiavanie Majstrových rád a návodov je to najlepšie, čo človek pre seba a svojho blízkeho môže spraviť. Ja za seba ďakujem Majstrovi a manželovi, že ma po dvoch mesiacoch zbavili 2,5 roka trvajúcich ukrutných nočných bolestí spôsobených … Read more

Praha. Czech Republic. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 19-21 January, 2024.

Praha. Czech Republic. Sеminar "Health with Master Mu Yuchun". 19-21 January, 2024.

2,476 Practical health exercises with the master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his team. Date: 19-21 January, 2024. Location: Czech Republic. PRAHA. Language of seminar: Cz Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): MILUŠE +420 776 701 035 (Сz) VLADIMIR +38 063 22 99 447 (En) Telegram @FedortsovVladimir Course schedule: FRIDAY: 19:00-21:00 … Read more

Paris, France. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. January 26-28, 2024.

Paris, France. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. January 26-28, 2024.

2,433 The mission of the Zhen Gongfu is to preserve, and disseminate the immense wealth of knowledge and expertise about maintaining and improving health, shared with us by Master Mu Yuchun. Date: January 26-28, 2024. Location: Paris, France.  Language of seminar: Fr Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Time +33 683 95 54 04 (Fr) Vladimir … Read more

Caen, France. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 23-25 FEBRUARY 2024.

Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, FEBRUARY, 2024. Caen, France.

3,338 The mission of the Zhen Gongfu is to preserve, and disseminate the immense wealth of knowledge and expertise about maintaining and improving health, shared with us by Master Mu Yuchun. All seminars and meetings with Mu Yuchun are unique. Different knowledge is gradually gathering in one, as part of one large and beautiful picture. … Read more

Bratislava, Slovensko. Seminár “Zdravie s Mu Yuchun”. 9. – 11. Februar 2024.

Bratislava, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, February, 2024.

2,275 Praktické cvičenie pre zdravie so známym Majstrom tradičnej čínskej medicíny a bojových umení MU Yuchunom. Cvičenia pre zdravie a pohodu so slávnym majstrom tradičnej čínskej medicíny a bojových umení Mu Yuchun 穆玉春. Majster Mu Yuchun  – majster vnútorných štýlov tradičného wushu, uznávaný ako majster a učiteľ bojových umení, a doktor tradičnej čínskej medicíny. Majster … Read more