Dana Hubka

Hubka Dana, PhD in Economics, worked at the Institute of Regional Research of the NAS (The National Academy of Sciences) of Ukraine.

She graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Printing with a degree in Economics. Dana got her second degree in Psychology. One of the chapters in her thesis (written while studying in graduate school) is devoted to consumer psychology research, the influence of advertising on human consciousness, building effective relationships between company employees and, as a result, increase in both product and enterprise competitiveness.

Dana is the CEO of her own real estate business with fifteen years of experience. As a psychologist practicing transactional analysis, she is a member of UATA (the Ukrainian Association for Transactional Analysis) and EATA (the European Association for Transactional Analysis).

At the moment Dana is doing research on the combination of oriental philosophy, all health-related knowledge given by Master Mu Yuchun and the western approach in psychology, in particular transactional analysis.

She consults the adults in the following areas:
– analysis of psychological games and their influence on personal development
– analysis of life scenarios, ego states
– relations with emotionally incompetent parents
– getting over the loss
– connection between person’s psychology and ancient Chinese health methods taught and given by Master Mu Yuchun
– identifying the cycles of personality development and activation of life energy of early stages of human development using ancient Chinese healing techniques including exercises, massage and active spots.

Email: danahubka70@gmail.com
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The fear of death and “the magnet”

2,649 Author Dana Hubka The fear of death is common to everyone. Sooner or later each gives thought to the fact that we are guests in this world and we will have to leave it at some point… How to deal with the fear of death or, rather, how to embrace the fact that all … Read more

Our body is like beach sand

2,662 Author Dana Hubka During the first stage of human development, the stage of being (0 to 6 months old babies) touching is essential. Touches of the closest, the dearest person – loving Mother. Without them, a child can’t develop to its fullest potential. In Transactional Analysis these touches are called non-verbal strokes. Strokes are … Read more

A child comes into this world

3,370 Unbalanced diet, overweight, anorexia. What do these health issues have in common? Let’s have a look at them from the cycles of person’s development point of view, so called “cycles of strength” (author Pamela Levin). Author Dana Hubka It’s not a secret that everything in our life is cyclic. As an element of Nature … Read more

The first magnet.

5,017 We are the children of Earth. We exist here thanks to its “magnet” or gravity. Earth has its own magnetic field, each item that we see also has its own magnetic field. Blood circulates in our veins due to the magnetic field. Author Dana Hubka The “magnet” is the basis. The basis for all … Read more