Lithuania. Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. 18-22 OCTOBER, 2023.

Lithuania, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, OCTOBER, 2023.

1,663 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his senior students – the winner of the World and European championships in traditional wushu, Honored coach of Ukraine Vladimir Fedortsov, two-time European champion in traditional wushu Zulfiya Khazheyeva and Natasha Volkova. The program will include: – practices … Read more

Nice. France. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. NOVEMBER 03-05, 2023.

Nice, France, Sеminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, NOVEMBER, 2023.

2,016 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts  Mu Yuchun. Date: NOVEMBER 03-05, 2023. Location: Nice. France. Language of seminar: Fr Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Time +33 683 95 54 04 (Fr) Vladimir +38 067 654 14 49 (En) The program will include: Practices for activating … Read more

L’Aquila. Italy. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 17-19 November 2023.

L'Aquila, Italy, Seminar, Health, Wellbeing, Master Mu Yuchun, November 2023.

2,322 A series of meetings in L’Aquila (Abruzzo), Italy, will be held from 12 to 14 May, where Mu Yuchun (穆玉春) will share ancient Chinese knowledge about health and wellbeing, teach various systems of body movement, massage and self-massage techniques and answer your questions. Whenever you find yourself exhausted and anxious after a working day … Read more

Bratislava, Slovensko. Seminár “Zdravie s Mu Yuchun”. 1. – 3. DECEMBRA, 2023

Bratislava, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, December, 2023

2,513 Praktické cvičenie pre zdravie so známym Majstrom tradičnej čínskej medicíny a bojových umení MU Yuchunom. Majster sa na ňom podelí so svojimi znalosťami medicíny, naučí Vás rôzne systémy pohybov, vysvetlí ako správne cvičiť, bude sa venovať masážam aj samomasážam, odpovie na všetky Vaše otázky. Tieto praktické cvičenia sú vhodné pre začiatočníkov ale aj pre … Read more