Bologna. Italy. Seminar “Health and Wellbeing with Master Mu Yuchun”. 07-09 February, 2025.

Bologna, Italia, Seminario, Salute, movimento, Maestro Mu Yuchun. Febbraio, 2025

3 328 “Master Mu Yuchun teaches profound knowledge, which he transmits through movements, sounds, images and philosophy coming from the Chinese tradition; a practice suitable for everyone, inspired by the movements of nature and traditional Chinese medicine, which strengthens the body, introduces traditional gymnastics and martial arts, teaches self-care through finger pressure and natural remedies… and … Читать далее

Praha. Czech Republic. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 19-21 January, 2024.

Praha. Czech Republic. Sеminar "Health with Master Mu Yuchun". 19-21 January, 2024.

2 728 Practical health exercises with the master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his team. Date: 19-21 January, 2024. Location: Czech Republic. PRAHA. Language of seminar: Cz Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): MILUŠE +420 776 701 035 (Сz) VLADIMIR +38 063 22 99 447 (En) Telegram @FedortsovVladimir Course schedule: FRIDAY: 19:00-21:00 … Читать далее

Paris, France. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. January 26-28, 2024.

Paris, France. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. January 26-28, 2024.

2 630 The mission of the Zhen Gongfu is to preserve, and disseminate the immense wealth of knowledge and expertise about maintaining and improving health, shared with us by Master Mu Yuchun. Date: January 26-28, 2024. Location: Paris, France.  Language of seminar: Fr Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Time +33 683 95 54 04 (Fr) Vladimir … Читать далее

Caen, France. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 23-25 FEBRUARY 2024.

Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, FEBRUARY, 2024. Caen, France.

3 456 The mission of the Zhen Gongfu is to preserve, and disseminate the immense wealth of knowledge and expertise about maintaining and improving health, shared with us by Master Mu Yuchun. All seminars and meetings with Mu Yuchun are unique. Different knowledge is gradually gathering in one, as part of one large and beautiful picture. … Читать далее

Bratislava, Slovakia. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. February 09-11, 2024.

Bratislava, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, February, 2024.

2 427 At series of meetings Mu Yuchun (穆玉春) will share ancient Chinese knowledge about health and wellbeing, teach various systems of body movement, massage and self-massage techniques and answer your questions. These practical sessions are suitable for everyone –  from beginners to advanced learners. You will learn how to get rid of stress and maintain mental … Читать далее

Fitness energetico. Roma. Gabriele Broglia.

Fitness energetico. Gabriele Broglia.

1 404 Siamo felici di annunciare la partenza in Italia del primo corso regolare sulla ginnastica per la salute basato sugli insegnamenti del Maestro Mu Yuchun. A differenza dei seminari il corso si svolge due volte a settimana con lezioni della durata di 60 minuti. Gli appuntamenti ci saranno ogni Lunedì e Mercoledì, ore 17.00/18.00. Questo … Читать далее

Братислава, Словакия. Семинар «Здоровье с Мастером Му Ючунем». 08-10 СЕНТЯБРЯ 2023 ГОДА.

Bratislava, Slovakia. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 08-10 SEPTEMBER, 2023.

3 179 Практики для здоровья и хорошего самочувствия у известного мастера традиционной китайской медицины и боевых искусств Му Юйчуня (Mu Yuchun / 穆玉春). Мастер Му Юйчунь – основатель Европейского тренировочного центра “Art of health” Mawangdui техники, Мастер Внутренних Стилей Традиционного Ушу, признанный знаток боевых искусств. Все семинары и встречи с Му Юйчунь уникальны. Разные знания постепенно … Читать далее