Naples. Italy. Seminar “Health and Wellbeing with Master Mu Yuchun”. September 22-24, 2023.

Naples, Italy, Seminar, Health, Wellbeing, Master Mu Yuchun, September, 2023

3 075 Practices for health and wellbeing with the Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts Mu Yuchun (穆玉春). A series of meetings will be held from 22 to 24 September, where Mu Yuchun will share ancient Chinese knowledge about health and wellbeing, teach various systems of body movement, massage and self-massage techniques and answer … Читать далее

Lipari. Aeolian Islands. Sicily. Italy. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. September 29 – October 1, 2023.

Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, 2023.

2 371 This is a unique opportunity to learn directly from an acclaimed Master of Martial Arts, and an expert in Chinese Traditional Medicine, Master Mu Yuchun (穆玉春) with his team: senior students – the winner of the World and European championships in traditional wushu, Honored coach of Ukraine Vladimir Fedortsov, two-time European champion in traditional … Читать далее

Rome. Italy. Seminar “Tai Chi with Master Mu Yuchun”. October 06-08, 2023.

Rome, Italy, Seminar, Tai Chi, Master Mu Yuchun, October, 2023.

2 913 A series of meetings, where Master Mu Yuchun (穆玉春)  will share ancient Chinese knowledge about health and wellbeing, teach various systems of body movement, massage and self-massage techniques and answer your questions. These practical sessions are suitable for everyone –  from beginners to advanced learners. At the seminar you will learn a lot about … Читать далее

Литва. Семинар «Здоровье с Му Юйчунь». 18–22 октября 2023 года.

Lithuania, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, OCTOBER, 2023.

1 760 Практические упражнения для здоровья с известным мастером традиционной китайской медицины и боевых искусств Му Юйчунь и его старшими учениками: призером чемпионатов мира и Европы по традиционному ушу, заслуженным тренером Украины Владимиром Федорцовым, двухразовой чемпионкой Европы по традиционному ушу Зульфией Хажеевой и Наташей Волковой.   Программа семинара: – практики активации внутренней энергии, – упражнения для координации … Читать далее

ŁOPUSZNA. Poland. Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. October 27-29, 2023.

ŁOPUSZNA, Poland, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, October, 2023.

2 674 All seminars and meetings with Mu Yuchun are unique. Different knowledge is gradually gathering in one, as part of one large and beautiful picture. Be sure to meet Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun if you experience problems with your body or racing mind. As Master Mu Yuchun will show … Читать далее

Nice. France. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. NOVEMBER 03-05, 2023.

Nice, France, Sеminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, NOVEMBER, 2023.

2 110 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts  Mu Yuchun. Date: NOVEMBER 03-05, 2023. Location: Nice. France. Language of seminar: Fr Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Time +33 683 95 54 04 (Fr) Vladimir +38 067 654 14 49 (En) The program will include: Practices for activating … Читать далее

Berlin. Germany. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 10 – 12 NOVEMBER, 2023.

Berlin, Germany, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, NOVEMBER, 2023.

3 061 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun. What is Health? This is a measure of the vital activity of our body. This is what we are working on at these meetings. Together with Master Mu and his team, we are improving our vital functions. In class, … Читать далее