Krakow. Poland. Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. June 02-04, 2023.

Krakow, Poland, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, 2023.

3 659 Be sure to meet Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun if you experience problems with your body or racing mind. As Master Mu Yuchun will show traditional practices that will help you relieve your muscles and calm your mind. All seminars and meetings with Mu Yuchun are unique. Different knowledge … Читать далее

Czech Republic. Sedlčany. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. May 26-28, 2023.

Czech Republic, Sedlčany, Strnadovský mlýn, Sеminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, May, 2023.

4 115 Practical health exercises with the master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his students. The master will be accompanied by his senior students – the winner of the World and European championships in traditional wushu, Honored coach of Ukraine Vladimir Fedortsov, two-time European champion in traditional wushu Zulfiya Khazheyeva and … Читать далее

Berlin. Germany. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. May 19-21, 2023.

Berlin, Germany, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, 2023.

3 156 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun. The program will include: – practices for activating internal energy, – exercise for coordination of movements, – acupuncture massage, – traditional Chinese medicine – theory and practice, – massage, self -massage. – Martial arts exercises – baguazhang, taijiquan, xingyiquan. … Читать далее

Benidorm, Spain. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 21, 22, 23 July, 2023.

Benidorm, Spain. Sеminar "Health with Master Mu Yuchun". 21, 22, 23 July, 2023.

5 237 For the first time in Spain, we are holding an international seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. The seminar is conducted by a recognized martial arts master, a specialist in Chinese traditional medicine, master Mu Yuchun. Practical health exercises and massage. The Master Mu will be accompanied by his senior students – the winner of the … Читать далее

Paris, France. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 10-12 March, 2023.

Seminar, Mu Yuchun, health, Paris, 2023

5 868 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts  Mu Yuchun. Date: 10-12 March, 2023. Location: Paris, France.  Language of seminar: Fr Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Time +33 683 95 54 04 (Fr) Vladimir +38 067 654 14 49 (En) The program will include: Practices for activating … Читать далее

PUSTEVNY, Czech Republic. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 3-7 August 2023.

Seminar with Mu Yuchun, Pusterny, Czech republic, june, 2023

4 119 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts  Mu Yuchun. Date: 3-7 August 2023. Location: PUSTEVNY, Czech Republic. Language of seminar: Cz Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Lucie +420 732 349 239 (Cz) Vladimir +38 067 654 14 49 (En) Telegram @FedortsovVladimir Course schedule: Thursday: 18:30 to 20:30 … Читать далее

Czech Republic. Centrum Buchov. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 15-17 SEPTEMBER, 2023.

Czech Republic, Centrum Buchov, Sеminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, September, 2023

2 359 Practical health exercises with the master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his students. Date: 15-17 SEPTEMBER, 2023. Location: Centrum BUCHOV, Czech Republic. Language of seminar: Cz Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): MILUŠE +420 776 701 035 (Сz) VLADIMIR +38 063 22 99 447 (En) Telegram @FedortsovVladimir Course schedule: FRIDAY: … Читать далее