Lithuania. Seminar “Health with Mu Yuchun”. 18-22 OCTOBER, 2023.

Lithuania, Seminar, Health, Mu Yuchun, OCTOBER, 2023.

1,663 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts Mu Yuchun and his senior students – the winner of the World and European championships in traditional wushu, Honored coach of Ukraine Vladimir Fedortsov, two-time European champion in traditional wushu Zulfiya Khazheyeva and Natasha Volkova. The program will include: – practices … Read more

Nice. France. Sеminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. NOVEMBER 03-05, 2023.

Nice, France, Sеminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, NOVEMBER, 2023.

2,016 Practical health exercises with the famous master of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts  Mu Yuchun. Date: NOVEMBER 03-05, 2023. Location: Nice. France. Language of seminar: Fr Phones for registration (Telegram, WhatsApp): Time +33 683 95 54 04 (Fr) Vladimir +38 067 654 14 49 (En) The program will include: Practices for activating … Read more

Berlin. Deutschland. Seminar „Gesundheit mit Mu Yuchun“. 10.–12. NOVEMBER, 2023.

Berlin, Germany, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, NOVEMBER, 2023.

2,959 Praktische Gesundheitsübungen mit dem berühmten Meister der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin und Kampfkunst Mu Yuchun. Der Meister Mu Yuchun wird von seinen älteren Schülern begleitet – Der Gewinner der Welt- und Europameisterschaft in traditionellem Wushu, geehrtes Trainer der Ukraine Vladimir Fedortsov,  Zulfiya Khazheeva – der zweifache Europameisterin, der Preisträger der Weltmeisterschaften im traditionellen Wushu und … Read more

L’Aquila. Italy. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 17-19 November 2023.

L'Aquila, Italy, Seminar, Health, Wellbeing, Master Mu Yuchun, November 2023.

2,322 A series of meetings in L’Aquila (Abruzzo), Italy, will be held from 12 to 14 May, where Mu Yuchun (穆玉春) will share ancient Chinese knowledge about health and wellbeing, teach various systems of body movement, massage and self-massage techniques and answer your questions. Whenever you find yourself exhausted and anxious after a working day … Read more

Bratislava, Slovakia. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun”. 01-03 December, 2023.

Bratislava, Slovakia, Seminar, Health, Master Mu Yuchun, December, 2023

2,513 These exercises develop a completely different culture of movement. Seminar participants will be familiarized with the correct structure of the body. Acquired knowledge and skills will help to remove clamps in the body, improve coordination of movements and movement goals. Mu Yuchun is 75 years old. His teachers were legendary masters of martial arts … Read more

Dresden. Deutschland. Seminar „Gesundheit mit Mu Yuchun“. 8.-10. Dezember, 2023.

Dresden. Germany. Seminar “Health with Master Mu Yuchun“. 2023

3,679 “In der Theorie gibt es kein Unterschied zwischen Theorie und Praxis, in der Praxis aber schon.” Die Theorie über Energien im chinesischen Weltbild bleibt solange leer und sinnlos, bis es einmal durch Tun in diversen Übungen, nach vielen Fehlern, missglückten Versuchen einmal der Aha-Effekt kommt und wie der Meister Mu sagt: “Wenn es einmal … Read more